Bandipur National Park
Bandipur National Park is regarded as one of best national parks of India, located in the midst of the charming setting of the immense Western Ghats Mountains. This national park resides a special place in India’s efforts towards natural conservation. It was established in 1931 and creates the India’s biggest biosphere reserve popularly known as the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. The area is well endowed with shrubbery and flora that ranges from deciduous and evergreen forest covers to open grassy woodlands. The precious hardwoods rosewood and teak are also found here. Bandipur National Park was the chosen site for Project Tiger to protect the endangered species.
The place is also the habitat to a large number of animals like Elephants, Hornbill, Sambar, Wild Dog, Giant Squirrel, Deer, and Partridges. The Rare species of Four Horned Antelope, Panther, Sloth Bear, Python, Mouse Deer and Pea Fowl can also be found here. And spectacled cobras, Indian rock python, vipers, rat snake, muggers, monitor lizards, Indian chameleon, Indian pond terrapin, agamids and flying lizards are the reptiles here. The rivers like the Kabini, Nugu and Moyar passes through the National Park. Safaris and Elephant rides are also available here.
Bandipur National Park Timings
Monday to Sunday
6:30 Am to 9:00 Am
3:30 Pm to 6:00 Pm
Entry Fee
For India Tourist: Rs.25/-
For Foreign Tourist: Rs.150/-
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