Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary
Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary
Periyar wildlife sanctuary located in Kerala is one of the best wildlife sanctuaries in South India. The places is famous as Tiger reserves and is fully covered with dense forests and green grasslands making it a perfect place for animals such as the great Indian tigers, elephants, lion tailed macaques, gaurs, deer and sambars. The park is encircled by agricultural regions, especially the plantations of tea, cardamom, and coffee crops. The Periyar wild life sanctuary is a haven for by birds. There are 265 species of birds that include Malabar Grey Hornbill, Nilgiri Wood Pigeon, Blue-winged Parakeet, Nilgiri Flycatcher, Crimson-backed Sunbird, and White-bellied Blue Flycatcher.
The sanctuary is a flecked treasure trove of lush flora and rare fauna. There are 171 species of grass and 140 species of orchids that includes teak, rosewoods, terminalis, sandalwoods, jacarandas, mangoes, jamun, tamarind, banyans, sacred fig, plumerias, royal poinciana, kino tree, bamboos, and the only South Indian conifer, Nageia wallichiana. The place is also famous of 100 year old lake that sets exquisite surrounding at the place. The Periyar sanctuary gives you the opportunity to involve in trekking, sailing on a bamboo raft down the Periyar Lake and the Periyar tiger trail ensuring an exciting encounter.
Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary Timings
Monday to Sunday: 6:00 am to 6:00 pm
Entry Fee
For Indian Tourist: Rs.25
For Foreign Tourist: Rs.300
Location Map of Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary
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