Birla Mandir Jaipur

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Birla Mandir located in Jaipur is also known as Lakshmi Narayan Temple and is among the numerous Birla Temples located in different parts of the country. The Temple is located at Moti Dungari hill in Rajasthan . The Temple was built in 1988 by Birla Group of Industries and is one of the most famous temples and tourist spot of the city.

birla mandir jaipur

Birla Temple Jaipur, Source-:Wiki, Nileshbansal

The Temple is made from finest quality of white marble and is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the preserver and his consort Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. The exterior of the temple has beautiful carved sculptures of various mythological themes and images of saints. The interior has large panel in marble of mythological proceedings. The images of the deities are placed in the sanctum sanctorum.

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