6 Recipes that make midnight munching healthy

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6 Recipes that make midnight munching healthy

The times when you crave to binge in the middle of the night can be both fun and concerning. Fun, because it’s your alone time, where you are free to do whatever you want. Concerning, as eating at midnight is not one of the healthier practices.

6 Recipes that make midnight munching healthy

Midnight snacks

The times when you crave to binge in the middle of the night can be both fun and concerning. Fun, because it’s your alone time, where you are free to do whatever you want. Concerning, as eating at midnight is not one of the healthier practices.

So let’s find out a solution, where you can do midnight munching as long as the munchies are healthier.

Craving for spicy-chatapata chips? Have homemade salted carrot chips instead of potato chips. Potato, which is full of carbohydrates, is not good for health, especially when it’s fried. So cut thin slices of carrot, season them with spices and salt, bake them until they are crispy. Sweet, spicy and salty, this is a perfect munchy to go along with a midnight movie marathon at home.

Feel like gorging on cheesy sandwiches? Make a low-fat sandwich instead. Grill a whole-wheat multigrain bread and fill it with fresh cut veggies and low fat cheese. You can also use, mustard or vinaigrette, the healthier sauces. Avoid using mayonnaise or ketchup or any brand of white bread. This could fill up your stomach if you’re keeping up to finish off your office presentation.

Sugar coated cakes

Are you eating sugar candies at night? Make way for fresh and healthy berries. The sugar candies such as Poppins, Gems, M&M or Skittles are way too unhealthy and moreover, you do not eat just one at a time. Thus, have strawberries, blackberries or oranges instead. They are anti-oxidants, easier to digest and really good for health. Have sugar in natural form. This could be a good habit for people with high cholesterol issues.

Isn’t that box of ice cream too tempting? Feeling sad or happy, a scoop or two of ice cream always goes well with all your emotions. However, it comes with its own share of calories. Hence, opt for low-calorie cream and freeze a banana. Mix the two together and indulge. You may add few nuts and honey as well. Although this is not too healthy either, but compared to ice cream, this is gold.

Eggs in a mug

Do you love your eggs with runny yolk and oodles of butter to fry in? Avoid this at midnight! Choose eggs in a mug – and yes only the white and no yolk. Pour the egg whites in the mug, freshly cut veggies like bell peppers, mushrooms and onions. Sprinkle some salt and pepper and microwave for few minutes. Within a couple of minutes a healthy egg preparation will be ready and you can always snuggle in the bed, while you eat it.

No other snack can be as good as chatapata spicy bhel. Make sure you have your puffed rice, lemon juice, coriander, chopped onions and green chillies ready. Do not mix mashed potatoes or aloo bhujiya in this. You can add boiled chickpea in this or you can also put a mix of yoghurt and pomegranate in this bhel.

So next time, you will not have to fight those midnight hunger pangs. You can make these healthy yet equally delicious dishes and enjoy them without worrying.

Now midnight munching will be fun and healthy, a combination we’ve all been looking for.

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