Brihadeeswara Temple Thanjavur – Brihadeeswara Temple Travel Information

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The Brihadeeswara Temple is an ancient Hindu temple located in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and was built by Rajarajeswaram. The temple is India’s largest architectural glories and is also a part of UNESCO World Heritage Site as Great Living Chola Temples. The Brihadeeswara Temple is also admired by name of Big Temple and it turned 1000 years old in 2010. This is one of the rare temples which have statues of Ashta-dikpaalakas and 6 feet tall statues of Indra, Agni, Nirrti, Varuna, Kubera, Isana, Yama and Vayu are installed in separate temples.

Brihadeeswara Temple

Brihadeeswara Temple, Source-:Flickr,Nagarjun Kadukuru

The Brihadeeswara temple demonstrates the Dravidian style of architecture. The frescoes that gild the ceilings of the temple are simply amazing, embellishing the interior as well as exterior of the temple with its beauty. The topmost structure of the temple known as Kumbam is carved out of a single granite stone. The intact complex of the temple has 250 lingams of Lord Shiva. There are 108 dance poses, known as karmas performed by Lord Shiva have been chiseled on the inner walls of the sanctorum. The simplicity of design provided encouragement for future designs in south India and in south-east Asia as well.


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