Famous Colleges and Universities in Srinagar

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Famous Colleges and Universities in Srinagar

There are many good colleges and universities in Srinagar which offers different courses to the students.

Following Are The Best colleges and universities In Srinagar

Government Medical College, Srinagar:

Government Medical College, Srinagar
Government Medical College, Srinagar

GMC is one of the oldest medical colleges in North India and first one in the Jammu and Kashmir. It was established in 1959. Anatomy and physiology were the first departments which were started here. Two years later, college was shifted to the present site at Karan Nagar. On 25th of august 1961 GMC was formally inaugurated Mr. Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad was the Prime Minister of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The college has a well stocked library with over 18000 books of different writers. Over 4000 doctors have graduated from GMC till now.

Sri Pratap College:

Sri Pratap College
Sri Pratap College

It was established in 1905 by Annie Besant. Before independence college was affiliated from University of Lahore and after the independence Banaras Hindu University gave affiliation to SP College until the University of Kashmir was founded in 1956. The college offers courses like English, geography, Science and Information Technology etc. It is recognized by the University Grants Commission of India, (UGC). Campus has a well equipped library with almost 80,000 books on various subjects available to the student.

Islamia College of Science and Commerce:

Islamia College of Science and Commerce
Islamia College of Science and Commerce

It was established in 1961 by the State Government to provide higher to the students. It offers courses like science, commerce, management studies, humanities & computer sciences. Campus is well equipped with all modern facilities like smart classes, seminar halls, computer labs etc. The College has completed its fifty years of glorious service in the field of education, Sports and other extra-Curricular activities.

Amar Singh College:

Amar Singh College:
Amar Singh College

It was established in November 1913 by Maharaja Pratap Singh. It offers courses in Science, Arts, Commerce, Computer applications etc. The College was recognized by University Grants Commission of India (UGC) in 1972. The college has well equipped library with a collection of about 70,000 books including a collection of rare books. It has been declared as a Lead College in 2012. The college has a study center of IGNOU offering a large number of courses.

More Info: Amar Singh College

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