Guruvayur Sri Krishna Temple

Guruvayur Temple Thrissur - Guruvayur Temple Tourist Travel Guide Pooja Timings

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Guruvayur Sri Krishna Temple

Guruvayur Sri Krishna Temple located in Thrissur district of Kerala is one of the most famous temples of Kerala dedicated to Lord Krishna. Guruvayur is also known as “Dwarka of South India“. It is believed that the idol here is about 5000 years old but exact facts and historical facts are not known till date.The icon of God Vishnu which is found in Guruvayoor is one which had been worshiped by Devaki and Vasudeva and one can undoubtedly envision that it could additionally have been worshiped by God Krishna himself.

Guruvayur Temple in Thrissur
Guruvayur Temple in Thrissur

God Krishna in Guruvayoor is prominently called Sri Guruvayoorappan. Appan implies God or father so the title implies the God of Guruvayoor. The idol is made of the stone known as dark antimony and is an attractive stone said to have uncommon medicinal properties. Each morning the God is anointed in til oil.

Guruvayur Temple Daily Pooja Timings



3.00am to 3.30am Nirmalyam
3.20am to 3.30am Oilabhishekam, Vakacharthu, Sankhabhishekam
3.30am to 4.15am Malar Nivedyam, Alankaram
4.15am to 4.30am Usha Nivedyam
4.30am to 6.15am Ethirettu pooja followed by Usha pooja
7.15am to 9.00am Seeveli,Palabhishekam,Navakabhishekam, Pantheeradi Nivedyam, and Pooja
11.30am to 12.30pm Ucha pooja (the noon pooja)
4.30pm to 5.00pm Seeveli
6.00pm to 6.45pm Deeparadhana
7.30pm to 7.45pm Athazha pooja Nivedyam
7.45pm to 8.15pm Athazha pooja
8.45pm to 9.00pm Athazha seeveli
9.00pm to 9.15pm Thrippuka, Olavayana
9.15pm The Sreekovil will be closed. On the day of Special Illuminations called “Vilakku” the Thripuka is performed after that. The Sreekovil will be closed after Thripuka. Then the Krishnanattam, a colourful traditional dance-drama on Lord Krishna’s life is enacted inside the Temple on specified days.

Guruvayoor is well connected via transport facilities both from Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Cochin International Airport is nearest one to it while there are many train services for Guruvayur in Thrissur.

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