Sanchi Stupa

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Sanchi Stupa, Madhya Pradesh

Sanchi is famous for exceptional illustration of Buddhist art and architecture. Sanchi Stupa is one of the most significant monuments located at Sanchi Town in Raisen District of Madhya Pradesh. The great Stupas are the oldest stone structured with large hemispherical domes, containing a central chamber, in which the relics of the Buddha are placed. The Stupa is surrounded by four gateways called Toranas, each representing love, trust, courage and peace. The great structure has also been added to the list of the world heritage sites by UNESCO. The historic place also resides Ashoka Pillar, Archaeological Museum, Buddhist monasteries and temples that are worth visiting.

Sanchi Stupa

Sanchi Stupa Raveesh Vyas, Source-: Flickr, Raveesh Vyas


Sanchi Stupas showcases the rich inheritance of architectural splendor. The Great Stupa was built over the relics of the Buddha and was crowned with chatra. It is around 37.5 meters in diameter and over 16.5 meters high.  The massive hemispherical dome on the top enhances the charm of the site. There are four Gateways decorated at the fundamental points in front of the entrances called Toranas. Each toranas consists of two standing pillars nearly 34 feet high, richly carved to be crowned by carved lions of the famous Ashoka Lions.

Sanchi Stupa Timings

Sanchi Stupa is open for tourists from Monday to Sunaday from 8:00 Am to 5:00 Pm.
Entry Fee

  • For Indian Tourists-Rs.10/-
  • For Foreign Tourists-Rs.250/-
  • For Citizens of SAARC and BIMSTEC Countries- Rs.10/-


1. Entry is free for children upto 15 years of age.

2. Camera must be carried to capture exquisite beauty.

Sanchi Stupa Google Map

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