Talatal Ghar
Talatal Ghar one of the greatest example of Ahom architecture is located in Rangpur about 4 km from Sivasagar in Assam State of India. Rangpur used to be the capital of Ahom Kingdom which was shifted from Garhgaon by Swargadeo Rudra Singha in AD 1702-03.
The Talatal Ghar was initially built for the military purpose and housed two secret tunnels about 3 kilometers in length, connected the Talatal Ghar to the Dikhow River and exit routes which was used during the war. Talatal Ghar along with the above Kareng Ghar together was called as Rangpur Palace.
Tourist can now only visit the ground floor and the first floor of the Kareng Ghar while the ground floor comprising of Talatal Ghar have been sealed off.
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