Top 7 Beaches in Rameswaram

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Almost everybody seems to have heard about the beauty of beaches in Rameswaram. All the diverse beaches around Rameswaram have their own particular interesting charms. While some beaches have a spectacular landscape. All the fact that the beaches close Rameswaram will give you various reasons for a joyful excursion.

Here is the List of Popular Beaches in Rameswaram

Dhanushkodi Beach

Dhanushkodi Beach in Rameshwaram

Dhanushkodi Beach, Source-: Chandra/flickr

Dhanuskodi lies in the southern tip of the Rameswaram. The word Dhanushkodi actually signifies “tip of the bow”. This marvelous spot is circumscribed by Bay of Bengal Sea on one side and Indian Ocean on the other; at the very tip of Dhanushkodi one can see the merging point of the seas Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal. The shore in the spot called Mukundha Rear Chathram is most secure region for taking bath and playing in the high tide ocean. It is also act as natural bird’s sanctuary, During Winters ocean gulls, flamingos and some more birds from Europe and Australia visits Dhanushkodi.

Kunthukal Beach

Kunthu kal Beach in Rameshwaram

Kunthu kal Beach, Source-:

Kunthukal beach is situated in a small fishing town named Kunthukal, which is almost around 12 km from the Rameswaram main city. The crystal clear blue sea water with moderate tides makes this shoreline amazing. One can have the view of Pamban Bridge and the nearest islands around Rameswaram from these beaches. Tourists can visit the nearby islands through the boating service gave by the forest department by getting the appropriate prior permission.

Sangumal Beach

Sangumal Beach in Rameshwaram

Sangumal Beach,

Sangumal Beach is situated nearer to Agni Theertham, the Sangumal beach extends upto the fishing town Olaikkuda. In spite of the fact that these beaches are sandy and sloppy, and surrounded with fishing, it is a Good place for the individual who looks for peace and quiet sea shore. One can reach Sangumal beach by took a little stroll on the platform starting from the Agni Theertham shore or out and about towards Olaikuda town.

Villoondi theertham

Villoondi theertham Rameshwaram

Villoondi theertham, Source-: Balanagaraj/wiki

Villoondi theertham is a popular vacation destination in Rameshwaram. It is one of the beaches and aldo one of the 64 theerthas in Rameswaram. It is situated 6 Km a long way from Rameswaram main bus stand. Villoondi theertham beach is a quiet place with the silent tides. There is a good water spring situated inside the sea, it is the main attraction of this spot.

Pamban Beach

Pamban Beach in Rameshwaram

Pamban Beach, Source-: Drajay1976/wiki

Pamban is situated in west most region of the Rameswaram island,and it act as the passageway of Rameswaram island. This beach is situated at the starting point of the Indira Gandhi road bridge before Rameswaram. This beach is very much sorted out and having recreational things, for example, Huts, Swimming pools, swings and a children’s park. As the ocean close to this park is loaded with rocks it is not suitable for bathing, swimming or diving.

Olaikuda Beach

Olaikuda Beach in Rameshwaram

Olaikuda Beach,Source-:

Olaikuda is one of the fishing village in Rameswaram island. The sea shore of this village is termed as “Olaikuda Beach”. The sea of this region is engulfed with coral reefs. Through the village and the beach of the Olaikuda locale is silent and quiet, birds, for example, “sea gulls”, “flamingos”, and different birds visits this spot amid winter.

Ariyaman Beach

Ariyaman Beach Rameshwaram

Ariyaman Beach,Source-:

Ariyaman beach alias Kushi beach is situated in Palk-Bay it is almost 27 kilometers from Rameswaram, The beach measures 150 meters wide and around 2 Kilometers in length. Gentle waves, and the perfect environment of this beach attract lots of people, visitors and voyagers, as well as the Rameswaram, and Ramanathapuram regions.

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