Albert Hall Museum

अल्बर्ट हॉल संग्रहालय जयपुर

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Albert Hall Museum Jaipur

Albert Hall Museum located in Jaipur city of Rajasthan is the oldest museum of the state and is the State museum of Rajasthan built in 1887 by the architect Samuel Swinton Jacob. The Museum is located in Ram Niwas Garden and was initially chosen to be a town hall but Madho Singh II decided to make it the museum in order to preserve the art and culture of Jaipur.

Albert Hall Museum Jaipur

Albert Hall Museum, Source-:wiki, vsvinaykumar

The museum has a rich collection of artifacts like paintings, carpets, ivory, stone, metal sculptures, colorful crystal works etc.This majestic building showcases the Indo-Saracenic architecture style and stone ornamentation and has become a source of reference for varied classical Indian styles of design from Mughal to Rajput. The corridors of the museum are beautifully decorated with murals in a variety of styles including the Ramayan, reproducing paintings from illustrations in the Persian Razmnama prepared for Emperor Akbar. European, Egyptian, Chinese, Greek and Babylonian civilizations murals can also be seen here.

Albert Hall Museum Timings Entry Tickets

Museum is open for visitors an tourist from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (Daily) . Below are the list of entry fees for tourists and visitors –

Indian visitor Rs – 20 / – each
Indian student Rs – 10 /- each
Overseas visitor Rs – 150 /- each
Overseas student Rs – 75 /- each

*Free entry for Children below 7 years.
Entry of all visitors is free on the following days – Rajasthan Day – 30 March, World Heritage Day – 18 April, World Museum Day – 18 May, World Tourism Day – 27 September.

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