Birla Temple Hyderabad

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Birla Temple Hyderabad – Birla Temple Hyderabad Tourist Travel Guide

Birla Temple Hyderabad is a Hindu Temple built by Birla Foundation and was consecrated in 1976 by Swami Ranganathananda of Ramakrishna Mission. The temple is sprawling over an area of 13 acres in a hill top called as Naubath Pahad. Temple is built in blend of Dravidian, Rajasthani and Utkala architecture style and is dedicated to Lord Venkateswara.

Birla Temple Hyderabad

Birla Temple Hyderabad, Source-:Flickr, fraboof

Apart from Lord Venkateshwara there are idols of many other Hindu God and Goddess including Shiva, Shakti, Ganesh, Hanuman, Brahma, Saraswati, Lakshmi and Saibaba. The main idol of the presiding deity is made of granite stone and is about 11 feet tall. It is a famous pilgrimage spot and tourist attraction of the city.

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