Mani Bhavan Museum Mumbai – Mani Bhavan Museum Tourist Information Guide

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Mani Bhavan Museum is a two storied building located at # 19, Laburnum Road in Mumbai now converted into a museum and research centre. It used to be the residence of Mahtma Gandhi in Mumbai .It is a popular tourist spots visited by tourists from all over the world to see the Room that Gandhiji occupied, its Picture Gallery, the Library Hall and the Terrace where he was arrested on January 4, 1932.

It was from here only he started Non-Cooperation, Satyagraha, Swadeshi, Khadi and Khilafat movements against the British Rule in colonial times.

Mani Bhavan Museum

Mani Bhavan Museum, Source-:Wiki, Winston786

The Building have a library tht holds about around 40,000 books & periodicals , Auditorium to showcase his life and movements, Gandhiji’s Room located on second floor, Picture Gallery showcasing important events in pictures and articles and documents, The Terrace where Gandhi ji was arrested, Research Institute, The Museum is open on all the days of the week from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m..


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