St. Thomas Cathedral Mumbai

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St. Thomas Cathedral Mumbai

St. Thomas Cathedral the first Anglican Church in Mumbai was Built in 1718 and is one of the most famous church of the city.This church was named after St. Thomas, who was one of the 12 Disciples of Christ .The Cathedral was built in an effort to support and potentially enhance the standards of the British settlement. St. Thomas Cathedral holds tremendous religious significance for the Christian populace of Mumbai. There is a Churchgate Station which is named after this church only and the street leading prompting the Church was originally called Churchgate Street now called as Veer Nariman Road.

St. Thomas Cathedral
St. Thomas Cathedral mumbai, Source-:flickr, Tom Thai

St. Thomas Cathedral was built to Neoclassical and Neo-Gothic styles with a white façade.The interiors are delicately lined with Plaster Of Paris, polished brass, stained glass, arched windows and memorials dedicated to the late British parishioners.

The Cathedral is located nearby the Flora Fountain and is open on all days from 7.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.The Church was selected for UNESCO Asia-Pacific heritage conservation award 2004.

Location Map Of St. Thomas Cathedral Church

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