6 Top Monuments in Kanyakumari
There are scores of old landmarks in Kanyakumari. Incalculable individuals inspired by the history and society of Kanyakumari, make it a point to visit the landmarks of Kanyakumari. The landmarks around Kanyakumari make for fine excursion spots also. Indeed, going by one of the landmarks close Kanyakumari is a magnificent method for joining chronicled touring and family outing.
List of Famous Monuments in Kanyakumari
Vivekananda Rock Memorial

Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Source -: Arul Jegadish/flickr
One of the Most Visited and Photographed destinations of Kanyakumari built in 1970 on the top of 2 rocks in the tribute of Swami Vivekananda. It to be said that the great philosopher Swami Vivekananda meditated on these rocks in search of enlightenment. The Vivekananda Rock Memorial was built as a replica of the Belur Math in Kolkata which is dedicated to Sri Ramakrishna.
Chitharal Monuments

Chitharal Monument, Source -: Chandu J R/wiki
Situated at a separation of around 45 km from Kanyakumari, Sitharal is a little town that is popular for its old Jain monuments. The monuments are preserved and kept up by the Archeological Survey of India. The most striking of the monuments is the stone cut temple situated on a slope top. It has a cave with pictures of the Tirthankaras and their chaperons. As per researchers, the models go back to the ninth century AD. At some point amid the thirteenth century AD, the Jain temple was changed over into the Bhagavathy Temple. Visitors can appreciate amazing all encompassing perspectives of the surroundings from the peak.
Vattakottai Fort

Vattakottai Fort, Source -: Abhishek1988/wiki
Located about 6km northeast of the town of Kanyakumari, it was built in the 18th century by the Travancore King Marthanda Varma. It is the remainder of a series of seaside Fort that was built by that dynasty. The walls of the fortress were fortified in the later years. The fort walls are just about 25 ft in tallness with a width of right around 29 ft at a few sections! In the ancient times there was a tunnel leading from the fort to the Padmanabhapuram Palace – right around 25 km away!
Our Lady of Ransom Church

Our Lady of Ransom Church, Source -: Nikhilb239/wiki
An unblemished and impeccable example of Gothic design, Our Lady of Ransom Church is committed to Mother Mary. It was implicit the fifteenth century and structures a beautiful picture against the setting of the blue sea. There is a gold cross on the focal tower of the congregation.
Kamarajar Manimandapam

Kamarajar Manimandapam, Source -: tripadvisor.in
Kamarajar Manimandapam is a monument devoted to Sri Kamarajar, in the locale of Kanyakumari. Prevalently known as the ‘Dark Gandhi’, he was the erstwhile Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, who served the state for a long stretch. He assumed a noteworthy part in the Indian opportunity development and was the President of the Indian National Congress before freedom. He was likewise recompensed India’s most elevated India’s highest civilian honour- Bharat Ratna, for his work in the field of education.
Tsunami Monument

Tsunami Monument, Source -: Indiancorrector/wiki
It is a unique monument located near the southern shore in Kanyakumari. As the name proposes, this monument was implicit the memory of the individuals who died in the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. The tremor influenced numerous nations, including India, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Thailand, Maldives and Indonesia. Recorded as one of the staggering natural disasters in the history, this submerged megathrust seismic earthquake claimed around 280000 lives. Individuals from spots close and far visit this monument to pay respect to every one of the individuals who lost their lives because of this catastrophic tsunami
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