Dolls Museum Jaipur – Dolls Museum Travel Tourist Guide

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Dolls Museum is one of the most famous museums of the Jaipur city located in Albert Hall Museum. It showcases the large collections of dolls representing different cultures across the world. Dolls Museum is one of a fascinating museum of Jaipur which shows the dolls from different nations in their traditional outfits which holds an extraordinary fascination for tourists from all around the globe.

Dolls Museum Jaipur

Dolls Museum Jaipur,

The museum contains several dolls which displays the ethnicity, culture and excellence of different parts of the nation. In addition to national, the historical center additionally includes worldwide dolls. The museum is located about 4 km from Jaipur City.

Dolls depicting wedding dresses of distinctive states are also showcased, which even seems colorful and beautiful. There are a large number of Indian dolls portraying the traditional costumes of different states across India. One can see the local attire of Gujarat, Bengal, Assam, Kashmir, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and several other. One can also find dolls of various other countries like USA, Britain, Mexico, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Ghana, Uganda, Lebanon and Afghanistan which are dressed in beautiful cultural styles.

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