Gwalior Fort

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Gwalior Fort is a hill fort located near Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh State of India and dominates the city and is its most magnificent monument built during built between 275 AD and 727 AD. It is one of the major forts of central India and main attraction comprises of defensive structure and two palaces, Gurjari Mahal and Man Mandir, built by Man Singh Tomar. There is also a Archaeological Museum located inside the fort complex managed by Archaeological Survey of India.

Gwalior Fort
Famous indian landmark – Gwalior fort in daytime. Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

Gwalior Fort,

Inside Gwalior Fort

Gwalior Fort Sprawls over an area of 3 square kilometres and is connected by six bastions or towers . The main entrance to the fort is from Elephant Gate located on the southeast.The main attractions inside the fort are Man Mandir palaceThe Gujari MahalThe Jahangir Mahal, the Karan palace and the Shahjahan Mahal . The 15th century Gujari Mahal is a monument to the love of Raja Mansingh Tomar for his Gujar queen, Mrignayani.

Gwalior Fort Timings and Entry Fees

Gwalior Fort is open from Sunrise to Sunset for all tourists . The entry fees for Indian Tourists is Rs 5 while for foreigners it is Rs 100. The entry fees for Central Archeological Museum at Gwalior Fort is Rs 5 for everyone and is opened all days.

Location Map Of Gwalior Fort

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