Tughlaqabad Fort New Delhi – Tughlaqabad Fort Travel Tourism Information Guide

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Tughlaqabad Fort is a ruined fort of Delhi built by Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq, the founder of Tughlaq dynasty in 1321 as their own township, popularly known Tughlakabad. During that time Khaljis were the ruler of Delhi whom Ghazi Malik drove away and assumed the title of Ghias-ud-din Tughlaq thus beginning the Tughlaq dynasty. Tughluqabad still consists of remarkable, massive stone fortifications that surround the irregular ground plan of the city.

Tughlaqabad Fort

Tughlaqabad Fort, Source-:Tughlaqabad Fort

Inside Tughlaqabad Fort


Tughluqabad still comprises of surprising, monstrous stone fortresses that encompass the spasmodic ground of the city. The southern outpost of the stronghold has Mausoleum of Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq in a solitary domed square tomb. The city is supposed to once have had as many as 52 gates of which only 13 remain today.

Tughlaqabad Fort Timings and Entry Fees

Citizens of India and visitors of SAARC (Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Maldives and Afghanistan) and BIMSTEC Countries (Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Myanmar) – Rs. 5 per head. For others it is about US $ 2 each and also Free entry to children up to 15 years.

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