Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary
Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary
The Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the most beautiful wildlife sanctuaries in India. It is situated on the brink of an immense cliff – at the height of about 3800 feet from the sea level, with a surging surface conquered by moist deciduous and semi-evergreen forests. The sanctuary is famous as a habitat of Indian Giant squirrels. The Sanctuary also abides some significant mammals Leopard Panthera pardus, Striped Hyena Hyaena, Golden Jackal Canis aureus, Sambar Cervus unicolor, Barking Deer Muntiacus muntjak, Wild boar Sus scrofa, Common Langur Semnopithecus entellus, Rhesus Macaque Macaca mulatta and the Mouse Deer Moschiola meminna.
Bhimashankar has also been recognized as a significant Bird Area by the International BirdLife. It accommodates globally threatened species like Greater Spotted Eagle, Lesser Kestrel, Jerdon’s Baza and Nilgiri Wood Pigeon along with restricted range species like the Malabar Parakeet, Malabar Grey Hornbill, Small Sunbird and Southern Tree Pie. The Sanctuary also give guard to the valuable habitats to critical species like Long billed and White-backed Vultures and several vulnerable species like Austen’s Babbler, Lesser Kestrel and Nilgiri Wood Pigeon and near endangered species of Pallied Harrier and Malabar Pied Hornbill. The Sanctuary is named after Bhimashankar temple located inside the sanctuary. The temple is considered to be one of the twelve Jyotirlingas of Shiva temples and has significance among Hindus.
Location Map Of Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary
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