Diu Fort Daman and Diu

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Diu Fort located in Diu the Union Territory of India was built in colonial time by the Portuguese in 1535 located on the southern tip of the coast of Gujarat .The fort and the town are delimited on the east by the state of Gujarat, on the west by the Arabian Sea, on the north by the Kolak River and on the south by Kalai stream. It outskirts the locale of Daman, the town of Valsad and Junagarh region of Gujarat.

Diu Fort

Diu Fort, Source-:Flickr, east med wanderer

Inside Diu Fort

Diu Fort offers magnificent view of the majestic Arabian Sea . The fort now have ruins of the walls, gateways, arches, ramps, bastions of the fort , well laid out gardens bordered by old cannons. While the external wall is built in addition to the seaside line the inward wall is developed with bastions with weapons put on them.

Diu Fort additionally holds places of worship of which three of the principle chapels are St. Paul’s Church manufactured between 1601 and 1610 in Gothic style, the Church of St. Francis of Assisi and the St. Thomas Church . There is additionally a Shiva Temple, called Gangeshwar Mahadev, close to the cliffs.Old homes implicit Venetian Gothic style can likewise be seen in the fortification premises.Apart from this there is also a large light house is also located at one end of the fort.

Diu Fort Timing

Monday To Sunday – 08:00 am – 06:00 pm

Location Map Of Diu Fort

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