Haji Ali Dargah
Haji Ali Dargah, Mumbai
Haji Ali Dargah located at the coast of Worli in the middle of the Arabian Sea off Lala Lajpatrai Marg is built in in memory of a wealthy Muslim merchant, Sayyed Peer Haji Ali Shah Bukhari. Built in Indo-Islamic Architecture this place is a famous pilgrimage spot of the city visited by thousands of devotees from all over India and around the world. The Dargah is full of devotees during Thursday and Friday and is visited by devotees irrespective of faith and religion, people visit the dargah to get the blessings of the legendary saint.
Thousands of devotees visit this place every day and on the second day of Ramadhan Eid and Bakri Eid lakhs of devotees visit the Dargah.
Haji Ali Dargah Architecture
Haji Ali Dargah is built in Indo Islamic architecture in the middle of the Sea about located 500 meters off Lala Lajpatrai Marg from the coast and comprises of typical white domes and minarets. It was built in 1431 and comprises of the tomb of the Muslim Saint Pir Haji Ali Shah Bukhari and also a mosque named as Kinara Masjid adjacent to the entrance of Haji Ali Dargah.
More: Mumbai Travel Guide
Location Map Of Haji Ali Dargah, Mumbai
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