Humayun Tomb
Humayun Tomb, Delhi
Humayun Tomb is the most beautiful monument located in Delhi. It was commissioned by Humayun’s senior wife Haji Begam after his death in 1562. The Charbagh garden that surrounds the tomb offers a lovely place to relax. The monument also has the characteristic of having several of the Mughal rulers buried here as the complex comprises of the main tomb of the dictator Humayun and the graves of Bega Begum herself, Hamida Begum (Akbar’s mother), Dara Shikoh (Shah Jahan’s son), Bahadur Shah II (the last Mughal Emperor) and many others. In the year 1993 it was declared as the World Heritage site by UNESCO
Humayun Tomb is an early example of Mughal Architecture. It was designed by Persian architect, Mirak Mirza Ghiyuath. A rose petal sandstone tomb was built in Octagonal shape, raised on a pedestal, with double domes, high arches, laid in the centre of a large walled enclosure. The double-layered dome has a white marble peripheral while rest of the tomb is made of red sandstone, with white marble adornment. This red and white building is a great illustration of Persian influence on Indian architecture.
Humayun’s Tomb Timings
Monday to Saturday
6:30 Am to 6:00 Pm
Entry Fee
For Indian Tourists-Rs.10/-
For Foreign Tourists-Rs.250/
Note: Entry for children below 15year of age is free.
Humayun’s Tomb Google Map
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