Keoladeo National Park Keoladeo National Park

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Keoladeo National Park

Keoladeo National Park situated in Bharatpur district of Rajasthan is famous avifauna sanctuary. The name Keoladeo has been derived from a nearby ancient Hindu temple, devoted to Lord Shiva. It was formerly known as Bharatpur bird sanctuary with over 380 resident and migrant species of birds, including the Common, Demoiselle and the rare Siberian Cranes. The National Park is also a superb place to spot mammals like Golden Jackal, Jungle Cat, Striped Hyaena, Sambar, Fishing Cat, Nilgai, Blackbuck and wild Boar. In 1981, Keoladeo Ghana bird sanctuary was given the status of National Park.

Keoladeo National Park
Keoladeo National Park

Keoladeo National Park, Source-:Flickr,Lip Kee

Keoladeo National Park includes several species of Cranes, Hawks, Pelicans, Geese, Shanks, Ducks, Eagles, Warblers, Stints, Wagtails, Buntings, Wheatears, Flycatchers, Larks, Pipits etc. Other tourist attractions in Keoladeo Ghana bird sanctuary include the Bharatpur government Museum, Lohagarh Fort, and Deeg Palace. The Vehicles are allowed here up to Shanti Kutir, from there on you can choose to walk, bicycle, or go by cycle rickshaw, Tonga and also by boat when the water level is high. Keoladeo National Park is one of the finest places for the excursion.

Keoladeo National Park Entry Fee

For India Tourist: Rs.25/-

For Foreign Tourist: Rs.200/-

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