Top Beaches in Andaman & Nicobar

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The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are home to the absolute most picturesque beaches in the world. Beaches in Andaman and Nicobar Islands are uncrowded and perfect. Feel the enchantment of untainted nature as you occasion on immaculate virgin beaches as you unwind on delicate sands with breeze touching your delicate skin with unadulterated affection.

Here is the List of Top Beaches in Andaman & Nicobar

Radhanagar Beach
Radhanagar Beach in Andaman & Nicobar IslandRadhanagar Beach, Source-: Viscious81/wiki
One of the best Beach in Country also in the world. situated far from the hustle clamor life of the city. Among all the beaches in the Andaman Islands peoples, mostly visit this beach for its extensive variety of greenery and distinctive ocean activities like scuba diving, snorkeling and ocean strolling.

Ross & Smith Island Beach

RossIsland Beach
Ross Island Beach in AndamanRoss Island Beach, Source-: AnshulArora/wiki

Ross and Smith knew as the twin islands of Andaman. These twins offer you an impeccable view of ocean and shore and sun washing close to the jewel green water. The sand bar between the islands gets submerged in high tide, however when the tide is low, have a walk alone in the bar, become more acquainted with yourself.

Vijaynagar Beach

Vijaynagar Beach
Vijaynagar Beach in AndamanVijaynagar Beach, Source-: Yoginipatil/wiki

This Beach is practically as lovely as Radhanagar Beach. These two beaches are the prime reasons why Havelock Island gets an enormous number of visitors all through the year. You can go for scrubbing down or swimming, notwithstanding surfing is a much charming choice here.

Elephant Beach

Elephant Beach
Elephant Beach in AndamanElephant Beach, Source-: Shimjithsr/wiki

Most well-known Beach in Havelock Island as well. It is famous for the visitors in view of the dazzling coral reef and flexible marine life. You ought not to neglect to go for a snorkeling in the naval force hued tender water. Convenience, food, and transport are entirely available here.

Wandoor Beach

Wandoor Beach
Wandoor Beaches in Port BlairWandoor Beaches, Source-:Aniket Khadilkar/wiki

Wandoor beach is one of the prevalent beaches of Andaman that lies at a distance of around 25 km in the east of Port Blair. It is a pictorial beach and a noteworthy vacation destination that snatch guest’s consideration and interest. This delightful beach is perfect for seeing the beautiful corals and getting a charge out of swimming. With quiet and clean blue water, the shoreline offers mitigating atmosphere to chill and invest quality energy

Karmatang Beach

Karmatang Beach
Karmatang BeachKarmatang Beach, Source-:

Karmatang Beach, 240 kilometers from Port Plair, is situated in Mayabunder in center Andaman, and can be reached by road or by boat from Port Blair. This is a well known settling ground for leatherback turtles, green ocean turtles, hawksbill turtles and olive ridley turtles. This beach, which is presently being developed as a visitor spot, is perfect for scuba diving and snorkeling. You can likewise trek to Mount Harriet and the forests of Madhuban to get significantly more personal with nature and wildlife.

Corbyn’s Cove

Corbyns Cove
Corbyn’s Cove Beach in Port BlairCorbyn’s Cove Beach, Source-:Joe tarafdar/wiki

Corbyn’ Beach is one of the most well-known beaches in Andaman. The curve molded white sandy shoreline is perfect for sun basking. Furthermore, this is a conventional spot for snorkeling, and the snake island adjacent is a coral island perfect for scuba jumping. You can swim in Corbyn’s Cove Beach.

Aamkunj beach

Aamkunj beach
Aamkunj beach in AndamanAamkunj beach, Source-:

The Aamkunj beach in Rangat is known for turtle settling ground. So if you are a sharp ecological lover, this is the spot you ought to head. A long pontoon ride through the islands (or with various intersections on the off chance that you take the ship) is the best way to arrive from Port Blair.

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1 Comment
  1. Lokesh Sharma says

    Wow, what a fantastic rundown of the top beaches in Andaman & Nicobar! It’s incredible how each beach offers its own unique charm and allure. From the pristine sands of Radhanagar Beach to the adventurous watersports at Elephant Beach, there’s something for every type of traveler.

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