Umaid Bhawan Palace
Umaid Bhawan Palace
Umaid Bhawan Palace named after Maharaja Umaid Singh is one of the largest private residences of the world located in Jodhpur City of Rajasthan.The Umaid Bhavan palace was transformed into a heritage hotel in 1977. The Palace is divided into three parts – an extravagance Taj Palace Hotel , the home of the recent regal family, and a Museum showcasing the twentieth century history of the Jodhpur Royal Family.
The Umaid Bhawan Palace is a blend of eastern and western architectural influences, designed by Edwardian architect Henry Lancheste. Its royal 105 – foot high cupola is prejudiced by the Renaissance, while the towers draw inspiration from Rajput custom. The lavish interiors are covered with gold furniture and stylish artworks follow the Art Deco style, complemented by the unusual murals. A unique feature of the palace is the manually sculptured sandstone blocks put together in a special system of interlocking.
Location Map Of Umaid Bhawan Palace
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